Supporting high quality teaching is pivotal in improving children’s outcomes as improving the quality of teaching is the most effective way to promote overall attainment and equity for pupils. Indeed, research tells us that high quality teaching can narrow the disadvantage gap. It is therefore hugely encouraging to see a host of new initiatives and reforms that recognise the importance of investing in the professional development of teachers at all stages in their careers from ITT to the Early Career Framework (ECF) and suite of newly reformed National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).
At Kingsbridge Institute of Learning, we recognise the impetus that professional development can have on pupil outcomes. As an organisation we are passionate about supporting teachers and leaders to engage with high-quality research evidence and supporting its translation into practice. Through our PD offer we aim to improve access to educational speakers, high-quality professional development and support teachers and leaders to engage with reputable research evidence.
Early Years LEyEP
We work closely with LEyEP, our Early Years training provider, Wigan Council, Douglas Valley and Hindley Nursery Schools. We utilize the skills and expertise of local leaders alongside regional training providers and nationally renowned trainers to provide a relevant, up to date programme. Information about the services provided by LEyEP including high quality CPD, mentoring and consultancy roles can be found here.
Early Years, Primary & Secondary Phase Professional Development
Kingsbridge offers a wide range of PD opportunities that are subject and phase specific to ensure that teachers and leaders from Early Years, Primary and Secondary settings are supported in their professional development journeys. We have a range of PD opportunities focused upon evidence-informed pedagogy and aim to offer these in different forms including twilights, half/full day virtual and face to face sessions. We pride ourselves on offering high-quality leadership PD opportunities for Early Career Teachers who have been identified with leadership potential, middle leaders, senior leaders and those aspiring to Headship. Our leadership seminars enable the sharing of robust improvement methods through proven practical examples. Please click here for more information regarding forthcoming PD for teachers and leaders in all phases.
Research and Development
We understand the importance of high-quality research and the use of evidence to develop effective practice in schools. We believe that research gives us the power to transform education in our schools and share effective practice with others. Kingsbridge Institute of Learning is committed to supporting teachers and leaders to engage in and with research.
Our regular local leader briefings provide bitesize updates on the recent developments in the evidence underpinning decisions we make in schools. Our wider PD offer is also evidence-informed and draws upon credible research to underpin its claims. Please click here for more information or to book a place on these events.
As an organisation, we have been involved in a number of national research projects focused on Closing the Gap and we have also worked collaboratively with a number of external partners to develop teacher-led research trials. Our strong partnership with the Research School Network enables us to stay up to date with evidence developments, opportunities to be actively involved in research through EEF trials and recommendations for practice. Our organisation has an Evidence Lead in Education (ELE) designated by Blackpool Research School to support the exemplification and dissemination of evidence in schools. For more information about how you can get involved in using research to drive school improvement and information about our previous trials, please click here.