Sept 2021 - NQT induction changes & Appropriate Bodies – clarification from the DfE14 May 2021 (by admin) |
From September 2021 statutory induction is changing. Schools must offer their new early career teachers (ECTs) a 2 year induction programme.
The Department for Education (DfE) has provided:
· statutory guidance so that schools know their roles and responsibilities · guidance on the 3 approaches that are compliant with the new regulations: |
1. an approved training provider leads the programme 2. the school delivers the programme using DfE accredited materials 3. schools design and deliver their own programme based on the early career framework (ECF) |
Schools can review DfE guidance and choose an approach that works for them:
When your school has decided on an approach, nominate someone who manages statutory inductions at your school:
Appropriate Bodies – clarification from the DfE
TSA's have sought clarification from the DfE in relation to a school or Trust’s decision about their choice of Appropriate Bodies. All schools and Trusts, whichever induction route they chose, will need an Appropriate Body to ensure that the monitoring, support, assessment and guidance procedures in place are fair and appropriate.
The DfE has confirmed that it remains the decision of the headteacher or Trust leader to choose their Appropriate Body, irrespective of the relationship with a Teaching School Hub as a provider of ECF or NPQs.